pdftutorials.com has launched their vertical search for jobs in India.Site is using advanced RSS feed parsing technology for indexing jobs from other portals. So job seekers can view all the jobs in their favorite sites instead of checking each Job websites. The job section can be accessed from the url http://www.pdftutorials.com/JOBS/ and no registration is required to access.There is a special category for Freshers Jobs also, which will help freshers to save time from search in each section. Site is updating on daily basis, so its better to do a regular visit or a subscription to the site. Pdftutorials.com also provide tutorials and interview questions and resume tips which will be helpful for job seekers. By the end of this year we wish this will be one of the most popular job search site in India.
pdftutorials.com has launched their vertical search for jobs in India.Site is using advanced RSS feed parsing technology for indexing jobs from other portals. So job s eekers can view all the jobs in their favorite sites instead of checking each Job websites.
The job section can be accessed from the url http://www.pdftutorials.com/JOBS/ and no registration is required to access.There is a special category for Freshers Jobs also, which will help freshers to save time from search in each section. Site is updating on daily basis, so its better to do a regular visit or a subscription to the site.
For each section of Job, candidates can view the jobs by city wise. Now its listed more than 40 cities in India. Most o the IT Jobs, banking jobs, construction jobs, Medical , LPO, BPO, call center, sales, marketing, airline, shipping jobs are available in the site.
Pdftutorials.com also provide tutorials and interview questions and resume tips which will be helpful for job seekers.
New Vertical Indian Job search website - Thank you for your attention to read my post titled : New Vertical Indian Job search website, which are offerings of NEW TECHNOLOGY, contained in the url address : http://latesthightechnology.blogspot.com/2011/08/new-vertical-indian-job-search-website.html,I hope the post about New Vertical Indian Job search website is very beneficial for you. sourced from this post : New Vertical Indian Job search website.